
Showing posts from November, 2013

‘Storied Lives on Storied Landscapes’ (Caroline Way)

Wednesday Lunchtime Research Seminar Series, 27th November 2013 In this session Caroline will explore her research on adult accounts of childhood imaginary companions. The talk will focus on Caroline’s emerging research strategy for her doctoral research, specifically exploring methodological questions to do with narrative, narrative research, and balancing theoretical and conceptual frameworks with capturing the richness of the data being gathered.

Language Development: what place for local languages in a globalised world? (Ian Cheffy, SIL)

SoE Research Seminar Series, December 4th, 5-630pm In a world which is increasingly interconnected, and where English is commonly seen as the global language of communication, there would appear to be a strong argument in favour of the homogenisation of communication, promoting peace and development in a unified world through a common language. But is there then no value in the 5,000 less dominant languages of the world, spoken typically by small communities in developing countries? This presentation will explore the language development work which is conducted by SIL International among speakers of oral languages, and which includes linguistic research, the development of writing systems, and the integration of these languages in formal and non-formal education. It will be argued that language development of this kind contributes significantly to individual and community development, and that the way forward for intercultural communication lies through multilingualism rather than m...

Moral Education and the Common School: Building on Wilson’s ‘New Introduction’

School of Education Research Seminar Series 2013-2014 Moral Education and the Common School: Building on Wilson’s ‘New Introduction’ Dr. Richard Davies (Aberystwyth University) November 26th, 5-6.30pm Glasgow Room In 1990 John Wilson published a single authored response to the multi-authored and multi-disciplinary ‘Introduction to Moral Education’ (Wilson, Williams and Sugarman, 1967). The new introduction purported to set out a systematic approach to moral education suitable for schools. It once again developed his widely used PHIL, KRAT, EMP, etc. terminology. Wilson was ‘…a towering figure in moral education…[his] work has been controversial and distinctive’ (Taylor, 2005) and continues to be so in moral education research and practice. A matter recognised in the posthumous award of a memorial lecture at the PESGB annual conference and supported by the Association of Moral Educators. In this paper I begin by reviewing Wilson’s arguments in the ‘New Introduction’ (Wilson, 199...

Wednesday lunch Time Seminar Series

Beginning on 27th November 2013, the School of Education will be hosting a weekly lunchtime research seminar on Wednesdays, 12-1pm, in the Glasgow Room. The intention of the seminar series is to provide an informal space for discussion and dialogue in which staff can present and share on-going research activities. This is a free and open platform for discussing research, and colleagues are encouraged to bring any research items to the meeting, from raising initial exploratory questions, to seeking advice about developing conceptual ideas, to on-going methodological questions, to fully-formed research presentations. Each session will begin with a short (10-25 minute) presentation from a member of academic staff, followed by discussion. Feel free to bring your lunch! More information  here .

Engaged Reading

How much do you read? What do you read? What is your experience of reading? How does reading for pleasure differ from academic reading? Does the experience of higher education take the pleasure out of reading? What are the barriers to academic reading? Is reading an uncomfortable experience? How much do you read for modules? How valuable are module reading lists? What is your perception of the importance of reading for learning in Higher Education? How do you perceive the connection between reading and academic success? Does academic literature have the power to transform the reader? What would this mean? The ‘Engaged Reading’ project aims to investigate these questions in collaboration with students at Oxford Brookes University. We want to work with you to develop course materials and approaches that explore the transformational potential of reading. If you are interested in becoming involved in the project, please email David Aldridge: