Engaged Reading

How much do you read? What do you read? What is your experience of reading?

How does reading for pleasure differ from academic reading? Does the experience of higher education take the pleasure out of reading?

What are the barriers to academic reading? Is reading an uncomfortable experience?

How much do you read for modules? How valuable are module reading lists?

What is your perception of the importance of reading for learning in Higher Education? How do you perceive the connection between reading and academic success?

Does academic literature have the power to transform the reader? What would this mean?

The ‘Engaged Reading’ project aims to investigate these questions in collaboration with students at Oxford Brookes University. We want to work with you to develop course materials and approaches that explore the transformational potential of reading.

If you are interested in becoming involved in the project, please email David Aldridge: daldridge@brookes.ac.uk


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