Philosophy of Education Society Events, Oxford Branch 2014

14 January 2014
Influencing policy? The example of religious education
Revd Dr John Gay, Dr Janet Orchard (Bristol University) and Dr Alis Oancea
17:00 – 18:30, 15 Norham Gardens, OUDE, Seminar Room J
Convened by Dr Alis Oancea and Dr Liam Gearon, Religion, Philosophy and Education Research Forum

6th March 2014
A dialogue between phenomenology and realism in pedagogical and educational research
A symposium supported by the Higher Education Academy, featuring Professor Margaret Archer, Professor Tone Saevi, and Professor David Scott
09:30 – 16:00
15 Norham Gardens,OUDE, Seminar Room A, by prior booking only (via the HEA website)
Conveners: Dr Alis Oancea and David Aldridge (Oxford Brookes)

8 April 2014
A lifeworld perspective on learning for the professions
Prof Gloria Dall’Alba
17:00 – 18:30, 15 Norham Gardens, OUDE, Seminar Room D
With its grounding in phenomenology, a lifeworld perspective offers rich and novel resources in researching learning for the professions. This seminar explores some of this potential through foregrounding the importance of our inevitable entwinement with others and things in social practice. It draws upon empirical research on learning in preparation for professional practice. A lifeworld perspective enables us to attend closely to integration of what aspiring professionals know or can do (an epistemological dimension) with how they are learning to be (an ontological dimension). In providing an integrated research framework, this perspective allows us to extend and enhance prevalent research approaches in ways that respond to contemporary challenges in professional practice. 
Gloria Dall’Alba is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Queensland, Australia. Her research draws upon hermeneutic phenomenology, especially related to higher education pedagogy, professional practice and qualitative inquiry. Her recent books are Learning to be Professionals (Springer) and an edited volume, Exploring Education Through Phenomenology: Diverse Approaches (Wiley-Blackwell).

13 May 2014
Reclaiming, reframing solidarity in teacher education
Dr Ruth Heilbronn, Institute of Education, London
17:00 – 18:30, 15 Norham Gardens, OUDE, Seminar Room D

3 June 2014
Understanding the University
Prof Ron Barnett, Institute of Education
Harcourt Hill Campus, Oxford Brookes University

24 June 2014
Dr Carina Henriksson, Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University
Phenomenology of education – title tbc
17:00 – 18:30, Harcourt Hill Campus, Oxford Brookes University


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